Podiatrist Podiatry Picture

Mark Reed, DPM 714-528-FOOT


1275 Rose Drive Placentia, CA Suite 136

Melanie Reed, DPM 714-528-7777


1275 Rose Drive Placentia, Ca     Suite 124

Podiatrists @ Placentia-Linda Foot & Ankle Group


Introduction:  There are many rare foot problems that can occur in all age groups.  The following list summarizes the most common foot problems that are seen in each age group.  Be sure to see your health care professional as soon as a problem occurs.

Congenital Malformations: Congenital malformations of the foot are the most common problems that are treated in infants and newborns. The common types congenital malformations include excessive flat or high arched feet, a clubfoot deformity, too many toes, web toes, a mal-positioned forefoot or heel, disfigured toes and / or missing toes. Today, most congenital problems of the feet can be corrected.  At birth, newborns' feet should be examined by the child's Pediatrician.  Your child's Pediatrician should also evaluate your child's feet on an annual basis to look for gait and other foot problems throughout childhood.  If foot or lower extremity problems are noted, a podiatric physician should be consulted. It is a myth that babes outgrow in toeing problems seen in infancy.

Walking Problems: The other most common problem is walking problems that would include children who are late in starting to walk, or children who trip and fall often and / or are in toeing when walking.

Skin and Nail Problems: Generally, plantar's Warts, Ingrown nails, athletes' foot infections, splinters, lacerations and sport's injuries are the most commonly treated in the teenage group.  Exercise-related foot problems would involve overuse injuries, and use of improper technique while exercising or playing sports.

Traumatic Injuries: Ankle sprains and foot fractures are one of the most commonly treated medical problems in the athletic child or teenager.

Growing Pains: Growing Pains such as Sever's Disease that involves pain in the growth plate of the heel is a very common condition that is treated with heat and ultrasound to resolve the poor blood supply to the growth plate.

Acquired Foot Deformities: Due to the amount of the forces that are placed on the foot during walking and standing, the foot will undergo structural changes that can lead to muscle imbalances and joint mis-alignment.  The most common acquired foot deformities are bunions, hammertoes and bone spurs.

Overuse Injuries: Overuse injuries involve causing an anatomical structure such as a tendon to undergo excessive tension or pulling that results in an injury.  The types of overuse injuries most commonly treated are Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles' Tendonitis, Sesamoiditis, Metatarsal Stress Fracture and Morton's Neuroma.

Shoe Complications: Shoe complications involve placing too much pressure on the skin or positioning the foot in the wrong position while in the shoe that results in injury to the skin, tendons and / or bone.  Corns and calluses, blisters and metatarsalgia (Where the bone in the ball of the foot hurts with weight bearing) are the most common shoe complications.

Natural Wear and Tear: Natural wear and tear complications involve where the joints in the body becoming worn and painful.  In many cases, when a patient has a flat foot, by controlling the position of the in the shoe by using a functional foot orthotic, the amount of joint pain and degeneration can been minimized.

Systemic Foot Complications: Systemic foot complications involve where the body is not functioning properly that can result in a foot complication.  Systemic diseases that can cause foot problems include diabetes, gout and skin allergies.

Nail and Skin Infections: Nail fungal infections are very common in the adult population as well as athletes' foot infections.

Exercise Related Problems: Because of the need for the muscle to be able to be flexible through the full range of motion, many injuries are caused from a lack of a warm up or from an inappropriate technique while performing sports.  In the foot and ankle, exercise related problems are very commonly treated including Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles' Tendonitis and / or Peroneal Tendonitis.


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Podiatrist Information on Foot Pain Topics including:   Bunion Surgery   Plantar Fasciitis   Heel Pain    Neuropathy   Foot Orthotic  Hammertoes  Ingrown Toenail   Neuroma Pain   Running Injuries   Wound Care   Ankle Sprains   Warts   Fungus Toenails
Arthritic Foot Conditions   Athlete's Foot   Pediatric Growth Plate Pain   Geriatric Foot Problems
Foot and Ankle Fractures   Diabetic Foot Problems
  Callouses  Metatarsal Stress Fracture

Offering Podiatric Surgery, Foot Surgery, Wound Care, Sports Medicine and Foot Orthotics,
Foot and Ankle Surgery and other treatments for Foot and Ankle Pain and Injuries.
Podiatry and Foot related diagnostics and procedures are performed in Placentia / Yorba LInda, CA.

Podiatrists Dr. Mark Reed and Dr. Melanie Reed
Placentia Linda Foot Ankle Group Podiatry Associates
Office of Mark Reed, DPM: 1275 N. Rose Drive, Suite 136 | Placentia, CA 92870 | Tel: 714-528-FOOT
Office of Melanie Reed, DPM: 1275 Rose Drive | Suite 124 | Placentia | CA 92870 | Tel: 714-528-7777
orba Linda Satellite Office: 21580Yorba LInda Blvd | Yorba Linda, CA 92887


Serving Placentia, CA and the surrounding North Orange County cities of Yorba Linda (92886, 92887), Brea (92821, 92822, 92823), Anaheim (92807, 90808), & Fullerton 92831, 92832, 92833, 92834, 92835 92836), Tustin (92780, 92781, 92783), and Orange (92861 92862 92865 92866 92867 92868 92869